The Lecture Archive

Every year
Every month

Class Type: Pre-recorded lectures

Prerequisite: None

Cost: $115 per year, or $15 per month

Description: A repository of 12 pre-recorded lectures (15+ hours) researched, produced and presented by Wafa Ghnaim that discuss some of the latest subjects in dress and art history as it relates to Palestinian, Syrian and Jordanian embroidery. Monthly or annual membership costs are meaningful way to support the operational costs of The Tatreez Institute, while also gaining access to Wafa’s latest research interests and presentations. Below is a list of lectures provided in this member level:

  1. Palestinian Embodiment Through Adornment & Dress, Throughout the Centuries, Length: 1 hour, 56 minutes

  2. The Traceable Origins of the Bethlehem Ensemble, Length: 1 hour, 30 minutes

  3. Reviving the Jericho Thobe Ubb, Length: 58 minutes

  4. Remembering the Lake Huleh Bedouins, Length: 1 hour, 10 minutes

  5. A Contemporary Analysis of Palestinian Dress Styles (post-1948), Length: 1 hour, 58 minutes

  6. The Color Story of Ramallah, Length: 1 hour, 21 minutes

  7. Palestinian Embroidery, Storytelling & Resistance, Length: 1 hour, 28 minutes

  8. Interview: afikra Outline, The Tatreez Institute, Length: 53 minutes

  9. Artist Talk: For the Love of Tatreez, with Tatter Blue Library, Length: 1 hour 35 minutes

  10. Visualizing History Through Palestinian Textile Traditions, Length: 1 hour

  11. The History of Fabric & Weaving in Syria, Length: 1 hour, 16 minutes

  12. Thobe Fabric Identification (1900-1948), Length: 1 hour, 44 minutes


  • 15+ hours of previously recorded lectures prepared, researched and presented by Wafa Ghnaim.

  • An opportunity to learn about the latest research topics in the discipline of art history as it relates to Palestinian, Syrian and Jordanian embroidery and textile traditions.

  • Lectures that never expire, however, they may be updated and swapped out with more recent lectures provided by Wafa throughout the course of her research fellowship year at The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2023-2024).

  • Access to all private Tatreez & Tea community spaces, including group chats on various platforms.

  • Ongoing connection and support to the Tatreez & Tea community, an international group of students who will be stitching alongside you and in the Weekly Stitching Collective and class sessions.


Please review and agree to the Community Guidelines prior to registration. Failure to comply will result in immediate termination without refund.

Palestinian embroidery is a living history. Learning the history of Palestine makes the embroidery come alive.
— Student Testimonial